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High Technology News
Новости высоких технологий
High Technology News

High technologies and public life, computers and telecommunications, cars and home appliances, biology and medicine, modern entertainment and computer games, complex toys, curiosities, Internet resources — all this was told by the presenters of the «High Technology News».

The program was based on the principle of standard news release. Each issue included up to 17 stories and 2 special reports on actual scientific topics.

The anchors of the programs presented to the audience a snapshot of the situation in the world of science and technology. And analyzing the eclectic picture of the world, they offered the audience to answer the question: has life changed for the better or for the worse?

And every Sunday there was an analytical program «High Technology Week», which summed up the most interesting and significant events that happened during the past week in the world of science, technology, telecommunications and computer industry.

The program told about a driving force and a defining factor of a modern technocratic civilization — scientific and technical progress. About fundamental and practical researches in the most different fields of science. About innovations in modern technologies — from top-secret to used in everyday life. The program was attended by people who connected their lives with the subject area and immersed in research activities. The program covered events in the life of states and societies: the impact of the changing picture of the world on people’s lives. The echo of scientific activity in the world ranges from academic scandals to curiosities.
