"Channel 5" -
On air:
2004-2006 -
Episode timing:
26 min -
Number of episodes:

A construction series about repairs, which involves both ordinary people and regular characters played by actors.
The main characters of the series — is the owner of the endlessly renovated apartment Eugene Ivanov and his wife. Eugene spends all the time in the apartment, trying to control the process of repair. His attempts to direct the actions of supervisor Gannady and two working men in the right direction bring more confusion into the repair process.
At the request of the television crew, Ivanov filmes his repairs on a home camera, that is, he is not just the owner of the apartment, but also the host of an advanced program about repairs.
He not only shares with the audience his repair and construction troubles and joys, but also, as a full-fledged host, presents the sections of the program.
In the majority of plots Ivanova’s wife actively operates. At her husband’s request and on her own initiative, she runs to shops, construction sites and exhibitions. Get acquainted with designers, builders, famous people, delves into repair issues, gets involved with specialists with clever and not so much questions.
Topics are devoted to repair, design, legal problems of real estate, the right choice of tools and materials, communication with famous people.